Chemex Recipe Guide


  • 50g. of Coffee (Ground Similar to Sea Salt)
  • Chemex 
  • Chemex Filters 
  • Scale
  • Kettle
  • Timer 

Brew Time: 4-5 Minutes


  1. In a teapot or electric kettle, heat 750g of water to near boiling (200F). As the water heats up, place Chemex Filter into the brewer. Once water is heated, pre-wet filter and discard excess water before brewing.  
  2. Grind 50g. of coffee. The grind size should resemble the texture of sea salt. Add the coffee to the pre-wet filter, gently tapping the brewer to level the surface of coffee. Place the brewer onto the scale and tare to zero. 
  3. Begin your timer and pour double the amount of water as coffee in a spiral motion, making sure all grounds are fully saturated. Since we are using 50g. of coffee, we are going to pour 100g. of water over the grounds for our first pour. The goal is to get all coffee grounds wet. Let coffee sit and “bloom”, or release CO2 gasses, for 30 seconds. 
  4. Slowly pour rest of the water over the grounds in a spiral motion starting from the center, moving to the outer edge, and back to the center. Once the volume reaches a finger tip below the top of the Chemex, pause to let some of the coffee filter through for about 30-45 seconds. Continue to pour water in the same spiral motion until the scale reads 750g. Let brewed coffee filter into the decanter. 


Discard your filter and find your favorite mug. It’s time to enjoy your freshly brewed cup of delicious Hub coffee! This brew ratio will make 2, 12 oz. cups of coffee.