For businesses that prepare, sell, or just plain savor great coffee.
Whether you own or are planning to open a coffee-based business—or just want a reliable source for keeping your office stocked with seasonal, fresh-roasted coffee—we’re happy to help you develop or expand your coffee program.
HUB was once the wholesale customer of some of the nation’s finest specialty coffee roasters—and the standards we used to seek in that role inform every aspect of the way we run our company today. We understand how to identify and meet the needs of your distinct environment, from sourcing equipment and bar design—to building personal blends that fit your business model.
Even more important than the expertise and ease we bring to the process, though, is the personal partnership. It’s right there in our mission statement: We exist to bring people together. Rather than a faceless transaction, your journey with HUB is one rooted in community, backed by transparency, and inspired by your vision.
Let’s get together over a cup of coffee and talk about that vision. Contact a member of our team with questions and needs for your coffee service.
To get a glimpse at our offerings, click here.